Pickled Priest is a labor of love and nothing else. We don't do it for the money, thankfully, or we'd be stressed out 100% of the time. Rectal fissures, the whole deal. We've been writing about music for a cult audience (at best) in some way, shape, or form for 35+ years and there's no end in sight. We've tried to stop many times and just can't. As Kid Congo Powers told us last year, music addiction is the most delicious vice, albeit one that takes up a shit ton of personal space. We wouldn't want it any other way.
Our journey in music has been a long one. We started with record reviews written for a single friend, moved into the homemade zine world, started a web site, did some local print mag work, a little freelance writing, started another web site, wrote for Magnet magazine for a while, same for PopMatters, tried a different web site idea, and finally ended up, once and for all, doing Pickled Priest, our final destination it appears. We do it because we love it which is what we have in common with most of the musicians we write about.
We're also too old and jaded to worry about likes, retweets, or social adoration. We'll take what we can get and enjoy the process of putting what we love and hate about music into words for anonymous readers (mostly). While we're pleased that our readership has grown substantially over the years, we've always lived by the "quality not quantity" principle—we'd rather have small discussions with passionate music fans than appeal to the masses/asses. We're very happy you're here and don't take your readership for granted. We strive to do the best we can with each and every post with varying degrees of success. We're amateurs, but we strive to bring you music with heart and humor. It's our calling.
Thanks for reading!
The Pickled Priest
Sorry, no comments section added to each post. Mainly to ward off complaints about the amount of Kiss content throughout (my first boyhood love). We do welcome your emails if you'd like to say hello, complain about all the Kiss posts, or contribute an idea, thought, list, or insight. We'd love to hear from you!